I was in another center and I saw that they had a drop campagin and in the real time report I saw the dialer dialing 350 call rining with a hopper level of 1 (WTF!!) they dial the costumer with a dial timeout of 10 sec the client calls back and they press 1 to be transfer to a agent, that inbound process does not bother me, I just want to know how the dialer can dial those many channels with a hopper level of 1, I was looking all over around the dialer settings and I could not find anything.
please advice.
This is what I have:
OS: OpenSuse from Vicidial 3.1.15 from Vicibox Redux preload ISO
Vicidial: 2.4-351a
MySQL: 5.1.57-log SUSE MySQL RPM
Server Specs of various Dells eg 1950:
DB x1: Dual Xeon E5530@2.40Ghz, 16GB RAM, 15k RPM SAS RAID10 4 drives, Perc6i Logic MegaRAID SAS 1078.
Dialer x4: Dual Xeon L5420@2.5Ghz 16GB RAM, 15k RPM SAS RAID1 2 drives, Symbios Logic SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS.
Web x1: Dual Xeon E5420@2.5Ghz 16GB RAM, 15k RPM SAS RAID1 2 drives, Symbios Logic SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS
Codecs: G729a