Dialing in waves rather than constantly

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Dialing in waves rather than constantly

Postby AkkerKid » Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:00 pm

I've got a cluster of Vicibox servers running and I've noticed in my firewall that traffic going into my servers comes in waves.
It looks like the cluster dials a bunch of lines and then drops off and picks back up again. This happens roughly every 45 seconds.
Is there a setting I need to tweek to make the cluster dialer more regularly rather than in chunks?
DB: Dual E5-2697 12-core @ 2.7GHz, 128GB DDR3, RAID1 240GB SSD, 45GB SWAP is never used.
Dialers: 15X Single CPU E3-1231 @ 3.4GHz, 16GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, 2GB SWAP, Amfeltec PCI-e timing card
Vicibox 8.1 Build 3032
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Re: Dialing in waves rather than constantly

Postby mflorell » Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:25 am

It really depends on your campaign settings, the quality of your leads, the quality of your telco carrier, as well as how many agents you have. There are no universal settings.
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Re: Dialing in waves rather than constantly

Postby AkkerKid » Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:28 am

lead quality is constant. telco is constant. agent load doesn't impact this sinusoidal wave of call attempts. I can watch the asterisk cli and see the calls originating in bursts like that.

I'm thinking that the dial ratio being a set number (linear) may have something to do with it. If instead of a direct multiplication of available agents to trigger a number of numbers to dial (agents X ratio = numbers to dial) , maybe something more mathy like this ( (sqrt(agents)+agents/2) X aggression index = numbers to dial)

The square root would prevent my system from dialing 1400 phones when 100 agents need a call and 200 people pick up...
The + agents/2 part make sure the square root doesn't get too conservative at high available agent counts.
The aggression index part would replace the ratio. It would end up being a higher number than what you might have as a ratio now by ~25% depending on the size of your system. This could be automatically adjusted by the system similar to how adapt does and base the number on how much time you're willing to have agents wait between calls.

Long story short, unless there's a setting I'm missing, the linear ratio function isn't cutting it for me. This wave of stop and start lasts the entire workday and I just find it weird and putting unnecessary strain on my DB, internet connections and my own sanity.
DB: Dual E5-2697 12-core @ 2.7GHz, 128GB DDR3, RAID1 240GB SSD, 45GB SWAP is never used.
Dialers: 15X Single CPU E3-1231 @ 3.4GHz, 16GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, 2GB SWAP, Amfeltec PCI-e timing card
Vicibox 8.1 Build 3032
250-280 agent upper limit before meltdown
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:57 am

Re: Dialing in waves rather than constantly

Postby mflorell » Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:54 am

So you are using RATIO and not one of the ADAPT methods?
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