Call Recording Ratio

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Call Recording Ratio

Postby arathod » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:23 pm

Hi All,

I am new to the VICI Dial community, trying to learn about VICI Dial.

Can anyone explain me what is Call Recording at 4:1 ratio and how it works in VICI?

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Re: Call Recording Ratio

Postby bobchaos » Fri May 01, 2015 4:50 pm

Hello and welcome!

Did you mean calling dialing at 4:1 ratio? If so it basically means that your system will dial 4 lines for each agent you have online. When a line picks up, it get transfered to a waiting agent. This is how large call centers manage to crunch lists of a million + number without going bankrupt from HR fees o.O

The more complicated anwser is that Vicidial is an incredibly flexible automated dialer. Dialing in ratio mode is basically having the machine in "dumb" mode, it doesn't think much, just starts dialing however many numbers per agents you told it to.

Where a system like Vicidial shines is in the predictive mode. Through complex statistical models updated in real time based on the current performance of your agents and list, the system will predict exactly how many calls your guys can handle and dial them for you simultaneously. If it sees you're "dropping" too many calls (meaning a real person answered the phone but no agents were ready to talk to him), it will slow down so you don't burn your list or exceed legal limits. If your agents are screwing on facebook and generally not being kept busy, the dialer steps up the pace and dials even more number, looking to keep your guys busy. The more agents you have the more efficient these systems get. In fact it`s generally not recommended to go full predictive with less than 10 agents (altho I have done it successfully before, just needs more careful monitoring).

I've worked with quite a few dialers in my career in call centers, and Vicidial is the most flexible one I know of, allowing you to get tight control on the predictive dialing algorithm. You can get the thing started by defining a handfull of parameters and letting it do it`s work, but if you want to get into the nitty gritty of it there's dozens of options that allow you to tweak it so you can get optimal results for your particular situation.

If you pair Vicidial with Sangoma's Call Progress Analyzer (a voicemail detection tool), your agents will basically spend all their time TALKING, instead of pushing buttons, listening to phones ring, listening to voicemails, looking up phone numbers and other inefficiencies of old-fashioned call centers.
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Re: Call Recording Ratio

Postby greenmon » Tue May 05, 2015 4:05 pm

Dial ratio = 4
Your server is dialing 4 calls per available agent

Dude, This will increase your call drops. Keep a check on this in realtime report...
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