Mysterious QUEUE status from Real Time Report

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Mysterious QUEUE status from Real Time Report

Postby jasonniesen » Tue May 05, 2015 1:19 pm

I understand that the QUEUE status from the Real Time report indicates that the agent is "queue'd up" for the next incoming call. What is so mysterious about this status is that I will see an agent READY for a call for 0 seconds.. 4 seconds.. 8 seconds (we are on a 4-second refresh on the Real Time).. but then suddenly, it will refresh and I will see the same agent suddenly in the QUEUE status for 33 seconds.. even tho only 4 seconds ago, they were READY for sometimes only a couple of seconds.

We maintain less than 0.5% drop calls on the front end even tho we keep our Drop Call Seconds set to zero. Our Dial Timeout is only 22 seconds. So I am very curious where these higher queue times come from. Is this just another oddity of Vici? Or should we be concerned?
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Re: Mysterious QUEUE status from Real Time Report

Postby ClearCall » Thu May 07, 2015 6:40 pm

I have noticed this a few times but the time is not the time the call has been queued. It has something to do with a calculation that's taking place at the time the report is refreshed. It's just an oddity to use your terms.

On another note, a 4sec refresh rate seems high unless you are setting it that way for a specific time frame looking for something in particular.
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