NAT with ViciBox and 2 routers

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NAT with ViciBox and 2 routers

Postby macaruchi » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:59 pm

I have a question it not about ViciBox but maybe you can help me. I have a ViciBox server in a dedicated server in the cloud everything goes fine in my center, but now I want to restrict the surf the web in my agent computers but I dont know how to do. Example this is my scenario

|+--------ROUTER1-INET1-----+ |+--PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5...PC10 ===> agents computers(Production)
Server ViciBox ---INTERNET----| | |
| |----------------LINUX----------|
|+--------ROUTER2-INET2 ----+ PROXY SERVER |+---PC1,...PC5 ===> Administration computers

The agents cmputers just will use FireFox and can not navigate for all web just whilelist pages , the administration will have all permissions to surf anyplace in the web
I have done this before but I dont know how the voice can pass throw LINUX PROXY SERVER doing NAT , agent will use router1, administration will use ROUTER2

I dont know if I can do NAT to pass the call from ViciBox to my agents, all traffic must be controled by LINUX PROXY.

Any cluues or idea will be appreciated.

Thks In Advance
ViciBox 11 | Version:2.14b | SVN Version: 3764| DB Schema Version:1697| BUILD: 230927-0857 | 2 Processors 8 Core | 32 GB Ram | 1 Tera HD
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Re: NAT with ViciBox and 2 routers

Postby macaruchi » Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:11 pm

This is the diagram

ROUTER1-INET1-----+ | --PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5...PC10 ===> agents computers(Production)
ROUTER2-INET2 ----+ | |+---PC1,...PC5 ===> Administration computers

ViciBox 11 | Version:2.14b | SVN Version: 3764| DB Schema Version:1697| BUILD: 230927-0857 | 2 Processors 8 Core | 32 GB Ram | 1 Tera HD
Posts: 138
Joined: Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:11 pm

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