Phone number outside localtime

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Phone number outside localtime

Postby macaruchi » Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:22 am

I got a weird message today dialing to my TPV in my campaign. The message is "this phone number is outside of the local call time 619xxxxxx" , the phonenumber is my TPV 's number and always i dialed with this.

The campaign has the calltime 900am-to-900pm and with this I get the message when I change to 24h is OK. I dont know why always works today no.

There is any setting in the campaign to avoid dial a lead using the calltime and areacode, this is

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Re: Phone number outside localtime

Postby williamconley » Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:27 pm

If this number is associated with a lead in your system, it will be on a list that may have different local time settings and may have a State/Country value that has put it into a non-dialable time zone.

You can set a forwarding extension in your dialplan. This has the added benefit of masking the TPV number from your agents. For instance, you can set your carrier dialplan for "8888888888" to dial this number instead of all 8s and tell the agent to dial 10 8s instead. Then Vicidial will see all 8s.

Code: Select all
Changing 5555551212 to the number you're trying to dial.

However, this could also be an indication that there's a problem with your server's time settings or the GMT script. Finding any/all copies of that number in your system may not be a bad idea.
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