Agent log & Closer log table status mismatch

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Agent log & Closer log table status mismatch

Postby ivschakravarthi » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:19 am

Vicdial VERSION: 2.9-441a |BUILD: 140612-1628 |asterisk|single server |Centos6.0 |One Digium card | No cluster

In vicidial_closer_log table, for the dropped calls, status will be DROP and user will be VDCL against that record.
But , every day few records[say less than 10] , in the vicidial_closer_log table, status field is showing as DROP ,but the user field was having a Agent id.

If i look into the vicidial_agent_log table based on uniqueid from vicidial_closer_log table , i noticed that status field is not NULL and talk_sec value is greater than 0 and lead_id is also 0.

Below is the table record for your reference[Some of the fields has been hidden]

select * from vicidial_closer_log where uniqueid='1506353124.13556650'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
closecallid: 773344
lead_id: 939583
call_date: 2017-09-25 17:25:25
start_epoch: 1506353125
end_epoch: 1506353135
length_in_sec: 10
status: DROP
user: 1043
comments: NULL
processed: N
queue_seconds: 10.00
user_group: NULL
xfercallid: 0
term_reason: CALLER
uniqueid: 1506353124.13556650
queue_position: 1
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

select * from vicidial_agent_log where uniqueid='1506353124.13556650'\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************
agent_log_id: 677799
user: 1043
event_time: 2017-09-25 17:25:31
lead_id: 0
pause_epoch: 1506353131
pause_sec: 0
wait_epoch: 1506353131
wait_sec: 1
talk_epoch: 1506353132
talk_sec: 10
dispo_epoch: 1506353142
dispo_sec: 1
status: A
user_group: ADMIN
comments: NULL
sub_status: NULL
dead_epoch: 1506353135
dead_sec: 7
processed: N
uniqueid: 1506353124.13556650

Due to that, i am getting Different count[Answered calls] from Inbound Summary Report and Agent Performance Report.[Only 1 campaign is configured in my system]
If i am seeing 2000 calls in Inbound Summary Report, in Agent Performance report i am seeing 2007 calls [Those difference of 7 calls are having lead_id 0 in vicidial agent log table with status not NULL and in the vicidial closer log table status is reflecting as DROP]

Please advise over that issue.

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Re: Agent log & Closer log table status mismatch

Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:00 am

The version you are using is over 3 years old. We have made quite a few logging changes since then, so I would first recommend upgrading to the most recent svn/trunk version and then seeing if the issue is still there.
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