VERSION: 2.13-576a BUILD: 161126-2138 | asterisk|single server |Centos6.0 |One Digium card | No cluster
i have upgraded my platform to VERSION: 2.13-576a BUILD: 161126-2138 as i am facing some reporting issues in the older version(i.e. 2.6 version)
Below is my Query when i am comparing Inbound Summary Hourly Report and Agent Performance Report
Inbound Summary Hourly report
Total Answered Calls -2381
Total Tallk time - 74:01:55
Avg Talk Time - 0:01:52
Agent Performace Report
Total Answered Calls - 2381
TALK - 65:07:08
TALK AVG- 1:38
CUSTOMER -64:39:47
CUSTAVG - 1:38
So ,my query is why there is difference between Talk time in Inbound Summary houry report and Agent Performance report.
Even though info is being pulled from 2 different tables[vicidial_closer_log and vicidial_agent_log], once the customer hangups the call in the asterisk , info will be passed to agent screen immediately and vice versa.
So theoretically, both the reports should have same talk time approximately. But there is a differene of 10 Hrs for a little amount of calls i.e. 2.3K
Please advice.