Vicidial with mysql 5.7 and php7

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Vicidial with mysql 5.7 and php7

Postby vijo » Thu May 10, 2018 7:30 am

Hai Team,

Whether Viccidial will support php7 and mysql 5.7 in centos 7.?

I have installed vicidial with mysql 5.7 and php7 but the values like campaign values or adding new phone extension its not happening.

Can any one suggest on this?
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Re: Vicidial with mysql 5.7 and php7

Postby mflorell » Thu May 10, 2018 12:15 pm

Well, we don't recommend CentOS, and we don't recommend using MySQL 5.7 either. I would suggest OpenSuSE(or our VICIbox ISO instead), and MariaDB.

CentOS has issues with the backported kernel modules, and is less stable in a high-volume dialing setup than OpenSuSE is.

MySQL started having load and stability problems with 5.6, so we moved to MariaDB which is more stable.

As for PHP7, we have several clients using it in production and it works for them.
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