Autodial vs Inbound

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Autodial vs Inbound

Postby xoxo09 » Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:43 am

Hey guys, thats my first post so please be gentle with me :)

1) Version of VICIDIAL: VERSION: 2.14-779a BUILD: 201123-2300
2) loadavg: System Load Average: 1.34 1.16 1.00 M
3) Codecs used: Not sure what that is
5) OS: Linux

We have a problem with the Inbounds in our system. Everything works fine we are using Ratio on a auto dial lvl 1. Its like If the agent is free start getting calls. The problems start with the Inbounds if the campaign gets an Inbound Call our dialer starts to dial 1 Call to much. Like if there are 2 Agents waiting it Rings for 3, and so go on. After the Inbound Call has been finished everything gets to normal.

edit: it just feels like the Vicidial script is not taking the Inbound call into the calculation.

We are using inbound DiDs and Inbound Groups.

Does someone has any similar problems? How did u solve this?

If there is a leak of informations needed let me know.
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Re: Autodial vs Inbound

Postby carpenox » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:27 am

Good morning, thats how the system works. It is showing active calls being processed, so as the 2 lines are rining for agents and the inbound call comes in, it will still finish dialing the outbound calls which is why it shows on the realtime. It will not dial a new lead tho, try this also, set your queue priority for outbound to lower than your inbound queue priority. set inbound to 99 and outbound to 0 which it should be by default anyways
Alma Linux 9.5 | SVN Version: 3909 | DB Schema Version: 1724 | Asterisk 18.26.0 | PHP8 -:- 1-833-DIALER-1 -:- -:- WA: +19549477572
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Re: Autodial vs Inbound

Postby xoxo09 » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:57 am

thank u for u answer, maybe i just explained it badly or i didnt udnerstood u correctly.

For example:
3 Agents :waiting my Dialer dials for 3 Customers
Agent 1 gets an inbound - 2 Agents still waiting: the dialer keeps dialing for 3 customers (even if he hang up one already he just starts a new dial)

and sometimes happens something like this:
3 Agents waiting we get 3 inbounds: my dialer still keeps dialing 3 customers as long as they are inside the inbound call. Even after a drop he dials the next

For us it looks like our dialer just ignores inbounds and my agents looks like free.
Its not like just 1 drop and then he stop dialing for this agent, no he just dials and dials and dials :cry:
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Re: Autodial vs Inbound

Postby dhijrwn » Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:22 pm

xoxo09 wrote:thank u for u answer, maybe i just explained it badly or i didnt udnerstood u correctly.

For example:
3 Agents :waiting my Dialer dials for 3 Customers
Agent 1 gets an inbound - 2 Agents still waiting: the dialer keeps dialing for 3 customers (even if he hang up one already he just starts a new dial)

and sometimes happens something like this:
3 Agents waiting we get 3 inbounds: my dialer still keeps dialing 3 customers as long as they are inside the inbound call. Even after a drop he dials the next

For us it looks like our dialer just ignores inbounds and my agents looks like free.
Its not like just 1 drop and then he stop dialing for this agent, no he just dials and dials and dials :cry:

I think you need to set the available tally to Y.

3 active agents blended calling.
so if 1 agent received an inbound call
dialer will only dial 2 phone numbers for the available 2 agents if your autodial level is set to 1.
Cluster setup i7-9700 cpu @ 3.00ghz 32GB ram 1xDB WEB ARCH 11xTEL 4core
ViciBox v.9.0.3 ISO VERSION:2.14-853a BUILD: 220328-1420
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Re: Autodial vs Inbound

Postby xoxo09 » Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:30 am

dhijrwn wrote:
xoxo09 wrote:thank u for u answer, maybe i just explained it badly or i didnt udnerstood u correctly.

For example:
3 Agents :waiting my Dialer dials for 3 Customers
Agent 1 gets an inbound - 2 Agents still waiting: the dialer keeps dialing for 3 customers (even if he hang up one already he just starts a new dial)

and sometimes happens something like this:
3 Agents waiting we get 3 inbounds: my dialer still keeps dialing 3 customers as long as they are inside the inbound call. Even after a drop he dials the next

For us it looks like our dialer just ignores inbounds and my agents looks like free.
Its not like just 1 drop and then he stop dialing for this agent, no he just dials and dials and dials :cry:

I think you need to set the available tally to Y.

3 active agents blended calling.
so if 1 agent received an inbound call
dialer will only dial 2 phone numbers for the available 2 agents if your autodial level is set to 1.

i will try and let u guys know, thank u very much!
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Re: Autodial vs Inbound

Postby xoxo09 » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:38 am

For everyone with simular problems we solved it.

The problem was really like i discribed the server comunication wasnt working.
We have a 2 server system for our vicidial, both of them was using the same ip adress and same ports. After giving each server an own port this problem was solved.
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Re: Autodial vs Inbound

Postby carpenox » Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:46 am

good postback
Alma Linux 9.5 | SVN Version: 3909 | DB Schema Version: 1724 | Asterisk 18.26.0 | PHP8 -:- 1-833-DIALER-1 -:- -:- WA: +19549477572
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