unfortenly if you use on-hook in order the have phone ring when receive call we must hangup call both time : in agent interface and in the softphone ( or webphone ) , if you mised you can"t rercive call correctly ( no ringing corretly ut you receive as a seconde call )
so after many reseach I can't find a way , so I creat a small and easy script in perl to kill all meet channels after the channels be singl ( one part ) for more 5 seconde , you can change the script for your way , juts one thing if you parke the call you lost it ( bacause the park call put the call in meet with one part )
I put the script in crontab to execute every minute but in the script we have loop every seconde to check if wehave a meet with singl chanel .
below the script name : meetkick.pl
print "hello script done by kamel.berrayah@gmail.com \n";
# asterisk -rx"meetme list " | grep 0001 | awk '{print $1}'
# you can use : watch -n 1 perl meetkick.pl or put it in crontab
print `/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx'meetme list ' ` . "\n";
$resultat = `/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx'meetme list ' | grep 0001 `;
my @lignes = split /\n/, $resultat;
foreach my $uneLigne (@lignes) {
#print "$uneLigne\n";
$uneLigne=~ tr/ //s; # delete the double spaces
my ( $meetid ,$Parties , $Marked ,$time, $Creation, $Locked ) = split / /,$uneLigne ;
my ( $heure , $minute , $seconde ) = split /:/ ,$time ;
print "$uneLigne\n";
if($seconde > 5){
print "super a 5 \n";
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx'meetme kick " . $meetid . " all '" ;
system($cmd) ;
} # fin if
}# fin de la boucle - end the loop lignes
} # fin de la grande boucle execution chaque seconde / end the big loop ( every seconde )
in crontab add
### kill singel conference
* * * * * /usr/bin/perl /usr/share/astguiclient/meetkick.pl
enjoy :