Transfer call to IVRS outside Vicidial

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Transfer call to IVRS outside Vicidial

Postby macaruchi » Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:27 am

I have a new requirement from my company and I want to see if anyone here can point me in the right direction to resolve this.
I have developed an IVRS for credit card payments using Asterisk, FastAgi and Java, now they ask me for this IVRS to work together with ViciDial so that when transferring to a specific extension the IVRS answers. I have only configured IVRS from Vicidial itself, never something like this. I'm thinking about creating an extension from Asterisk and adding it directly to extensions.conf, it's the only thing I can think of but I would like more to not have to touch anything other than through Vicidial itself, could there be a way or an idea to avoid doing it? thus?

Maybe this is not a problem but I dont a clear idea yet
Thks In Advance
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Re: Transfer call to IVRS outside Vicidial

Postby jmathew » Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:49 am

yes you can create an extension in vicidial, on which when you transfer, it should take you to the IVRS you created.

if they are two different machines you need to register one sip account from your vicidial on the IVRS machine and have the extension dial the sip, so, once the call reaches your IVRS, you need to direct it to the extension processing IVRS for credit card.
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