Is Vicidial a good solution for a new project in 2023?

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Is Vicidial a good solution for a new project in 2023?

Postby mickom » Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:17 am


We are currently looking for an Open Source solution for Contact Center.
The target is to be able to handle voice calls, but also mail, chat, social networks,... with an administration app and an agent app.
Google leads me to Vicidial which seems to answer part of that need, with voice calls, mail and chat. Can you confirm those 3 media are handled by Vicidial?
The solution seems great, and I have seen many positives reviews on the forum, but to be honest, many points make feel the project is not living anymore. website, demo and screenshots look pretty old, still blocked 15 years ago (it is not a criticism). There is no release page, no Github or any other thing you usually have on modern project.
So my questions are quite simple: is there any community around Vicidial? is the project still alive and is it a good idea to look deeper into it or should I search for another one (if it exists!)
If someone tells me Vicidial is worth looking at, I'll surely have other questions :)
If not, I am open to any alternative.
I just want to clarify again, I don't want to criticize Vicidial, I am sure it is working well, but I would like to know the current status of the project.

Thank you,

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Re: Is Vicidial a good solution for a new project in 2023?

Postby carpenox » Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:27 am

Absolutely, everything you've mentioned can be handled by vicidial. They still provide updates every month and our community is the largest in the industry without doubt. Sure the look might be a bit old looking but there's ways to improve that. Feel free to check out my demo at with username: 0000 and pw: demo

Hit me up if you have any further questions. My blog is down in my signature for more info.

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Re: Is Vicidial a good solution for a new project in 2023?

Postby mickom » Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:25 am

Thank you for your answer.
I have already seen your blog and Cyburdial. So you made your own fork of Vicidial right? Or is it something above the "original" Vicidial?
Is Vicidial easy to rebrand/relook? I have seen a post on that forum about that (, but it seems to be a lot of work, and I have quickly looked at some parts the code, and have seen many PHP files containing the look and feel but also the business logic.

What would be the right approach for you? Be something over Vicidial? Check it out from SVN and fork it do feet our needs? (but then how to manage every months updates you mention...)

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Re: Is Vicidial a good solution for a new project in 2023?

Postby carpenox » Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:18 pm

The one I created is totally white label so you can brand it for yourself and resell it to others. It also takes svn updates from vicidial without messing anything up. It's ViciDial just with a more futuristic theme applied with a unique method.

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Re: Is Vicidial a good solution for a new project in 2023?

Postby mickom » Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:11 pm

Thank you, I will look at it more deeply.
I can see Vicidial is based on Asterisk. Is it only for voice calls or email/chat are also involving some Asterisk features? (agent availabily, queues, ...?).
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Re: Is Vicidial a good solution for a new project in 2023?

Postby carpenox » Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:26 pm

The email and chat are just thru ViciDial.
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