Looking for positive reference contacts for VICIDIAL

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Looking for positive reference contacts for VICIDIAL

Postby cbrenner » Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:58 am


We’d like to speak to other companies in a similar use case as ours and who have had positive experience with the Asterisk phone system with VICIDIAL. We have an outbound Telesales force, inbound Support traffic (including an ACD).

We are also looking for someone that can address the ongoing support experience for an Asterisk based system with VICIDIAL if it's a fit. We are in Massachusetts. I did not see an MA vendors listed on this site.

Thanks in advance

Craig Brenner
Beehive security Management
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Postby mcargile » Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:28 am


The company I work for is in the process of merging with Matt Florell to provide official setup, service, and support for VICIDIAL. We offer many installation and service options, and can provide you with the highest quality of support.

We can provide you with many different use case examples and could possibly get you in contact with some of our other customers (provided they are up for it).

As far as needing a MA vendor, we are not opposed to trail when the need arises; however there is very rarely a case that exhibits this need. Most problems can be fixed remotely, and most of the others can be fixed by walking someone with some technical skill through the process. We have several customers that we have never even met face to face dispite doing installations for them and providing them with support.

If you are interested in our services please give us a call at 1-888-894-VICI (8424). You can also visit our website at vicidial.com.
Michael Cargile | Director of Engineering | ViciDialGroup | http://www.vicidial.com

The official source for VICIDIAL services and support. 1-888-894-VICI (8424)
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