Quality Control or "internal closer"

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Quality Control or "internal closer"

Postby gschaller » Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:13 pm

In our callcenter we do an outbound campaign and sell a product. In the case of a sale made the agent transfers the customer to a "quality control" (with transfer-conf). The quality control consist of 3 persons. They check the sale and ask some questions. And now my question: The quality control need the customer data. Is there a vicidial way for example with "internal closer" to do this? So let the quality control log into vicidial/astguiclient and let them receive the customer data and the customer. At the moment the agent has to tell the customer data to the quality control.
The persons in quality control also receive calls from outside. So if anyone calls the callcenter they pick up the phone.
My idea at the moment: Take the web-form feature of vicidial and do a little bit programming.
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Postby mflorell » Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:29 pm

You can do this now with current release VICIDIAL. We have actually had clients doing this exact same thing for over 2 years.

You should be able to use the LOCAL CLOSER(for separate server) or INTERNAL CLOSER(for same server) to send calls to a INBOUND/CLOSER vicidial agent.

You can also have the CLOSERS answer inbound calls through the same VICIDIAL session and if you receive CallerID they will see that as well.

Are your closers on a separate server or the same server as fronters?
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Postby gschaller » Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:06 pm

At the moment there is one Asterisk server and one Apache/MySQL server. In few weeks there will be another Asterisk server for two more E1 ports. Do you mean I can do it with vicidial 1.1.12 or only with current 2.0.1?
How to set up those "INTERNAL CLOSER"? Create a special campaign for them? Do they login to vicidial.php or to astguiclient.php? Please give me some hints. :oops:
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Postby mflorell » Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:37 pm

You can use astguiclient 1.1.12.

You will use the INTERNAL CLOSER button on the fronter screens.

For the CLOSERS you need to setup a "CLOSER" campaign and an "IN-Group" for each campaign or inbound number you will be receiving calls from.

Then for each In-Group you will need to have an entry in the extensions.conf to send it to an agi-VDAD... script so it gets to the agents.

The CLOSERS will login to vicidial.php under your CLOSER campaign and select their In-groups that they want to take calls from at that time.

There is a lot more information on all of this in the VICIDIAL Manger Manual at eflo.net.
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Postby gschaller » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:09 am

Thanks for your help. I will buy the Manager manual just before upgrading to vicidial 2 in a few weeks.
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Postby albatroz » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:02 pm

m.. I see

So pressing Transfer to INTERNAL CLOSER, is all that we need to do?

What does it happen if there is no agent logged in for receiving
the INTERNAL CLOSER call? Can he/they receive the call later?

mflorell wrote:You can use astguiclient 1.1.12.

You will use the INTERNAL CLOSER button on the fronter screens.

For the CLOSERS you need to setup a "CLOSER" campaign and an "IN-Group" for each campaign or inbound number you will be receiving calls from.

Then for each In-Group you will need to have an entry in the extensions.conf to send it to an agi-VDAD... script so it gets to the agents.

The CLOSERS will login to vicidial.php under your CLOSER campaign and select their In-groups that they want to take calls from at that time.

There is a lot more information on all of this in the VICIDIAL Manger Manual at eflo.net.
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Postby mflorell » Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:37 pm

If there are no agents in the in-group for the internal closer, then it will behave as the in-group settings tell it should, either by dropping it, sending it to voicemail or sending it to a drop message.
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Postby nekder » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:18 am

hello everyone

im trying to make internal transfers to a closer, but im not sure about what specific steps i have to follow...

which are the entrys that i have to add to extensions.conf??

is "agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi"??

i have this extensions

exten => 8000,1,Ringing ; call ringing
exten => 8000,2,Wait(1) ; Wait 1 second for CID delivery from PRI
exten => 8000,3,Answer ; Answer the line
exten => 8000,n,AGI(agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi,SALESLINE-----8000-----Closer---------------999-----1)
exten => 8000,n,Hangup

exten => 8002,1,Ringing ; call ringing
exten => 8002,2,Wait(1) ; Wait 1 second for CID delivery from PRI
exten => 8002,3,Answer ; Answer the line
exten => 8002,n,AGI(agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi,CL_TESTCAMP_L-----8000-----Closer---------------999-----1)
exten => 8002,n,Hangup

the first (8000) is the extension for inbound calls

and 8002, must be the extension for the closer group, but im not sure how to bind this to the "internal closer" button...

im testing with vicidial 2.0.1 now...
is something wrong??
do i have to set anything else?

thanks a lot
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Postby nekder » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:38 am

here there is some CLI outputs

in first place i take the inbound call with SALESLINES, and then i prees "internal closer" for the transfer...

-- Executing Ringing("IAX2/desarrollo-7", "") in new stack
-- Executing Wait("IAX2/desarrollo-7", "1") in new stack
-- Executing Answer("IAX2/desarrollo-7", "") in new stack
-- Executing AGI("IAX2/desarrollo-7", "agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi|SALESLINE-----8000-----Closer---------------999-----1") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi
-- AGI Script agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi completed, returning 0
-- Executing MeetMe("IAX2/desarrollo-7", "8600051") in new stack

== Spawn extension (default, 90009*CL_TEST_I_L**3898**56412982912*001*, 0) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/desarrollo-7'
-- Executing Answer("IAX2/desarrollo-7", "") in new stack
-- Executing AGI("IAX2/desarrollo-7", "agi-VDADcloser.agi|90009*CL_TEST_I_L**3898**56412982912*001*-----START") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-VDADcloser.agi

its loos like "internal closer" use the _9009 extension ... and transfer the call to the "CL_TEST_I_L"...

where do i set this "CL_TEST_I_L" group??
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Postby nekder » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:54 am

the _90009 extension entry comes by default with the installatin

exten => _90009.,1,Answer ; Answer the line
exten => _90009.,2,AGI(agi-VDADcloser.agi,${EXTEN}-----START)
exten => _90009.,3,Hangup

id have to create the "CL_TEST_I_L" in-group and it works fine...

but i need to know where i set the groups for closer transfers...
could anyone help me??

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Postby nekder » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:08 am

i figure out that the name of the ingroup must be



see you
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