FreePBX with VICIDial

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FreePBX with VICIDial

Postby enjay » Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:42 pm

If I have a FreePBX system with multiple PRI's and a VICIDial server using an IAX2 trunk to dial out of the FreePBX system does anyone know what context I need to put the peer (iax.conf) in, in order to allow the vicidial server to utilize the Zap channels on the FreePBX box?

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Postby mflorell » Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:47 pm

Not too many FreePBX or Tribox users use VICIDIAL at the moment since it's much more efficient to build a system from source and configure through conf files than it is to use FreePBX or Tribox tools. That said you might be able to get more help on this at the FreePBX forums.

We are in the process of starting to look at integrating VICIDIAL into tribox and possibly having some default rules in FreePBX to allow easier integration with VICIDIAL and those two projects. As we get more familiar with those we will be able to help thos eof you that have those specific questions.
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