Remote Agents backend

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Remote Agents backend

Postby tweidner6471 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:08 am

I'm looking to do some modification of the remote agents back end so that instead of it calling them each time it instead calls into a meetme where the agent is waiting.

The idea is the agent dials in and is dumped into a meetme which is then targeted by the "remote agent" dialing for delivery of calls. This is basically to allow for a persistent remote agent instead of a call each time type of situation.

My question is, where can I actually find the process that handles the remote agent dialing? The intention here is to have a "phone only" solution. I have the majority of the process prepared, I just need to make sure that there isn't a better solution already in place and that I'm not going to break any accounting that may already exist.
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Postby tweidner6471 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:43 pm

To clarify, I am aware of and how it operates, I'm primarily concerned about any breakage that might occur by changing meetme room assignments and some of the finer details of the dialing.

The flow I'm looking for is essentially this:

Remote Agent (phone only) -> dial in -> meetme
Outbound -> campaign -> meetme(with agent)

The thing that I'm unsure of is how the system will handle hangups and transfers out of the meetme. In theory it should be fine since the original outbound call is still being handled by the normal processes. Just need to confirm that my theory is correct, and that said functionality does not already exist.
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Postby mflorell » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:35 pm

Why not just use the standard vicidial.php web interface?

What you describe should work if you use a meetme room as the agent's dialplan number and use one remote agent entry for each agent.

You won't be able to transfer calls out of the meetme though.
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Postby tweidner6471 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:08 pm

The main reason for not using the standard vicidial.php interface is that the agents won't have access to a computer. The goal is a purely phone only setup for those users.

For the most part, functions like transfers and whatnot are not needed right now so I think this method will be ok. If needed, I suppose I can simply have them tell the customer to press a number to be transferred, which in theory would allow me to send them to another part of the plan that handles that. Messy, I know, but since the background-agi for meetme doesn't work with non-zap/dahdi channels (unless that has changed in 1.4.21), there aren't really too many choices.

Alternatively, I could always get them into the meetme via agi to begin with, which may allow me to have those options. I'll figure something out, I'm sure.
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