when i try it with my local sip phone(snom). it dials again without complete previous calls.
I honestly do not know what this means. Perhaps you could be more specific and also post some of the asterisk CLI output when you post the specs for your system as covarrubiasgg kindly requested (with a quote from me? cute).
2. Is there any link to read full vicidial manager manual.
The "Full" manager's manual costs very little money. But it is not free.
However: The FREE version is all that is necessary to get your system running if you are capable of following installation instructions.
If you cannot get the system to work, you should post your complete setup and where you stopped in the manual on the support section (for GoAutoDial or just general support) to get some assistance. But be sure you have gone through the GoAutoDial manual and tell us where you had your first problem. Preferably by showing detailed output.
If you enter "asterisk -R" at the linux command prompt, you will see what the dialer is doing. This information (along with many other variations) is what we use to troubleshoot the system.