Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
mflorell wrote:How many agents?
What kind of trunks are you using?
Do you see anything on the Asterisk CLI that would indicate dialing problems(ERRORS or WARNINGS or NOTICEs)?
Can you post some output from your ASTVDauto screen? (screen -x ASTVDauto)?
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:04
2006-07-05 16:04:06|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0|20060705160336|20060705160356|20060705160406||
2006-07-05 16:04:06|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-07-05 16:02:06||
loop counter: |5758872|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:04
2006-07-05 16:04:09|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 3|
2006-07-05 16:04:09|HLPA agents: 2 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:04:09|HLPA Calls to place: 0 (5 - 5) |
2006-07-05 16:04:09|HLP agents: 3 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:04:09|HLP Calls to place: 0 (8 -|
2006-07-05 16:04:09|HLPA CALLING|
2006-07-05 16:04:09|HLP CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:04
2006-07-05 16:04:09|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0|20060705160339|20060705160359|20060705160409||
2006-07-05 16:04:09|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-07-05 16:02:09||
loop counter: |5758871|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:04
2006-07-05 16:04:11|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 3|
2006-07-05 16:04:11|HLPA agents: 2 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:04:11|HLPA Calls to place: 0 (5 - 5) |
2006-07-05 16:04:11|HLP agents: 3 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:04:11|HLP Calls to place: 0 (8 -|
2006-07-05 16:04:11|HLPA CALLING|
2006-07-05 16:04:11|HLP CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:04
2006-07-05 16:04:11|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0|20060705160341|20060705160401|20060705160411||
2006-07-05 16:04:11|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-07-05 16:02:11||
loop counter: |5758870|
2006-07-05 16:04:11|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-07-05 15:54:11|LIVE||
2006-07-05 16:04:11|| updating server parameters 30|8365|-6|default||
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:04
checking to see if listener is dead |1|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:04
2006-07-05 16:04:14|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 3|
2006-07-05 16:04:14|HLPA agents: 2 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:04:14|HLPA Calls to place: 0 (5 - 5) |
2006-07-05 16:04:14|HLP agents: 3 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:04:14|HLP Calls to place: 0 (8 -|
2006-07-05 16:04:14|HLPA CALLING|
2006-07-05 16:04:14|HLP CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:04
2006-07-05 16:04:14|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0|20060705160344|20060705160404|20060705160414||
2006-07-05 16:04:14|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-07-05 16:02:14||
loop counter: |5758848|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:05
2006-07-05 16:05:11|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 2|
2006-07-05 16:05:11|HLPA agents: 2 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:05:11|HLPA Calls to place: 0 (5 - 5) |
2006-07-05 16:05:11|HLPA CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:05
2006-07-05 16:05:11|| dead call vac deleted|64969|92231|V0705160442000092231|1152137110|1|||
2006-07-05 16:05:11|| dead NA call added to log 1152137083.2138000|92231|6104942558|SENT|NA||
2006-07-05 16:05:11|| dead call vac lead marked NA|92231|6104942558|SENT||
2006-07-05 16:05:11|| dead call vla agent PAUSED 0|92231|6104942558|SENT||
2006-07-05 16:05:11|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0|20060705160441|20060705160501|20060705160511||
2006-07-05 16:05:11|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-07-05 16:03:11||
loop counter: |5758847|
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:05
2006-07-05 16:05:14|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 3|
2006-07-05 16:05:14|HLPA agents: 2 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:05:14|HLPA Calls to place: 0 (5 - 5) |
2006-07-05 16:05:14|HLP agents: 3 dial_level: 2.5|
2006-07-05 16:05:14|HLP Calls to place: 3 (8 - 5) |
2006-07-05 16:05:14|HLPA CALLING|
2006-07-05 16:05:14|HLP CALLING|
|UPDATE vicidial_hopper set status='QUEUE', user='VDAD_10.10.61.17' where campaign_id='HLP' and status='READY' order by hopper_id LIMIT 3|
hopper rows updated to QUEUE: |3|
|SELECT lead_id FROM vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='HLP' and status='QUEUE' and user='VDAD_10.10.61.17' LIMIT 1|
|UPDATE vicidial_hopper set status='INCALL' where lead_id='92238'|
hopper row updated to INCALL: |1|92238|
2006-07-05 16:05:14|| number call dialed|HLP|V0705160514000092238|INSERT INTO vicidial_manager values('','','2006-07-05 16:05:14','NEW','N','','','Originate','V0705160514000092238','Exten: 8369','Context: default','Channel: Local/9813018849689@default','Priority: 1','Callerid: "V0705160514000092238" <9043713153>','Timeout: 26000','','','','')|-4.00||
|SELECT lead_id FROM vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='HLP' and status='QUEUE' and user='VDAD_10.10.61.17' LIMIT 1|
|UPDATE vicidial_hopper set status='INCALL' where lead_id='92239'|
hopper row updated to INCALL: |1|92239|
2006-07-05 16:05:14|| number call dialed|HLP|V0705160514000092239|INSERT INTO vicidial_manager values('','','2006-07-05 16:05:14','NEW','N','','','Originate','V0705160514000092239','Exten: 8369','Context: default','Channel: Local/9816036222440@default','Priority: 1','Callerid: "V0705160514000092239" <9043713153>','Timeout: 26000','','','','')|-4.00||
|SELECT lead_id FROM vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='HLP' and status='QUEUE' and user='VDAD_10.10.61.17' LIMIT 1|
|UPDATE vicidial_hopper set status='INCALL' where lead_id='92240'|
hopper row updated to INCALL: |1|92240|
2006-07-05 16:05:14|| number call dialed|HLP|V0705160514000092240|INSERT INTO vicidial_manager values('','','2006-07-05 16:05:14','NEW','N','','','Originate','V0705160514000092240','Exten: 8369','Context: default','Channel: Local/9815176490260@default','Priority: 1','Callerid: "V0705160514000092240" <9043713153>','Timeout: 26000','','','','')|-4.00||
TIME DEBUG: -6|-6|0| GMT: 22:05
2006-07-05 16:05:14|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0|20060705160444|20060705160504|20060705160514||
2006-07-05 16:05:14|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-07-05 16:03:14||
mflorell wrote:try turning your dial_level up to 4.0 or try not using AMD and see if either of those help.
| | SENT | HLP | xxxxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:26:14 | 1:36 |
| | SENT | HLP | 1706xxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:26:14 | 1:36 |
| | SENT | HLP | 184xxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:26:14 | 1:36 |
| | SENT | HLP | 15xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:26:20 | 1:30 |
| | SENT | HLP | 16xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:27:27 | 0:23 |
| | SENT | HLP | 19xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:27:27 | 0:23 |
| | SENT | HLP | 12xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:27:27 | 0:23 |
| | SENT | HLP | 16xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:27:27 | 0:23 |
| | SENT | HLP | 19xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:27:27 | 0:23 |
| | SENT | HLP | 15xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:27:27 | 0:23 |
| | SENT | HLP | 18xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:27:43 | 0:07 |
| | SENT | HLP | 12xxxxxxxxx | 2006-07-05 17:27:46 | 0:04 |
mflorell wrote:What is the dial timeout that you have set in the campaign detail screen?
Have you tried dialing those numbers that are over 1 minute manually to see if they can be dialed?
Jul 6 15:10:40 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:10:40 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:10:40 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:11:24 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:11:24 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:11:24 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:11:24 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:11:24 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:12:20 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:12:20 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:12:20 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:12:20 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:12:20 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:15:08 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:15:08 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:15:08 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:15:08 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:15:45 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:15:45 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:15:45 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:15:45 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:16:44 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:16:44 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:16:44 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:23:47 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:23:47 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:23:47 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:23:47 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:23:47 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:24:39 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:24:39 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:24:39 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:26:54 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:26:54 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:26:54 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:26:54 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:29:00 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
Jul 6 15:29:00 WARNING[2746]: chan_iax2.c:6454 socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
mflorell wrote:What is the dial timeout that you have set in the campaign detail screen?
Have you tried dialing those numbers that are over 1 minute manually to see if they can be dialed?
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