Newbie: Suggested workflow and vicidial

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Newbie: Suggested workflow and vicidial

Postby ccetech20 » Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:53 pm


We are planning to implement vicidial for our company. Following is the workflow:

- Calls are initiated and outbound telemarketing agent will do the sales pitch
- These agents are located at various offices across various countries
- A central vtiger CRM holds all the data for sales that are made
- A verification officer, listens to each call recording & then a verification call is made to the sale that is there on CRM.

What we want is following?
We want to consolidate our scattered system; at least partially. We want to have vicidial installation in one office where 1 team will be required to do outbound telemarketing; the other team will be required to do verification of the sales that are uploaded on the CRM (CRM is hosted with hosting provider).

I understand outbound calling is possible but how do we achieve the verification calling from the CRM? Is there any way for the same?
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Re: Newbie: Suggested workflow and vicidial

Postby williamconley » Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:52 pm

We have several clients who use this pattern.

These are a couple possibilities/methods and of course mix and match is possible.

First off: I do not recommend you push the sales to the CRM until after they pass the verification officer. Since they may not really be a sale.

Use a dispo url script to move sales to a specific list. This list will be in a verification campaign. You can also modify the dispo script to change the lead to "not called" so it can automatically be called when a verifier is available on that new (verification) campaign.

Have special dispos in that campaign for Passed vs Failed and a new dispo url to push the sales back to the original list and even create a "callback" for the original agent (that's a little complex, of course, so you could just have the verifier do this directly when terminating the call by setting as a special status that happens to be a callback status, but you'd need to work out how to assign it to the appropriate agent).

We also have the QC (quality control) module which is not part of Vicidial (It's an Add-On) but is available to the general public. The sponsor of it recently asked for it to be published. Upon request we will provide installation instructions or install it for you for $100 (beta users). This fee includes upgrading it to your version of Vicidial (since it is not part of Vicidial, it is "version dependent").

The QC module involves setting QC statuses and then an admin interface allowing an agent (with QC privileges) to log in and view/edit/call each record marked as a status that is set for QC (such as SALE). The result of the QC can be pass (QCPASS is then a real sale, and SALE is not, so QCPASS would be pushed to vTiger ...) cancel (QCCANC means this is no longer viable, no callback just canceled) or QCFAIL which will automatically send the lead back to the originating agent as a callback record (immediately showing in the callbacks for that agent).

Outside Vicidial, you could also set scripts to detect the status of the vTiger (or SugarCRM) lead and "take action" based on this status. Such as sending the lead to a Verification list/Campaign in Vicidial, and when the client answers, the verification script can pop up automatically or the vTiger record, so the verifier can validate the record.

Any of these can of course be mixed and matched based on your operational model.

Beware the limitations of vTiger 5.1 (too many leads will cause it to bog down ...) and later versions are not yet integrated with Vicidial. Sugar does not have the limitation issue, but is also not integrated with Vicidial. I will say, however, that Sugar's code is written better ... but it is missing a key feature: Group Security. So your operational model must be used to determine the best fit.

Happy Hunting 8-)
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Re: Newbie: Suggested workflow and vicidial

Postby Trying » Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:47 am

I can vouch that the QC system works brilliant! No more "hoping" that you did not lose sales somewhere.
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