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svn 2.2.0 different from the 2.2.0 rc release?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:55 am
by Op3r
I installed the svn downloaded yesterday (philippine time).

This is the version VERSION: 2.2.0-234 BUILD: 100116-0718

I checked the admin pages and when I looked at the admin page it seems that some of the options from voicemail to text to speech are not there.

So should I use the rc4 instead?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:04 am
by mflorell
Are the following settings enabled and set in System Settings?

Central Sound Control Active
Sounds Web Server
Sounds Web Directory
Active Voicemail Server
Enable TTS Integration

Do you have Cepstral installed on your system?

Yes, SVN branches/agc_2.2.0 is actually more up to date than the 2.2.0rc4 release, it will become rc5 in the next day or two.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:07 pm
by Op3r
there you go.

I havent looked at the system settings and when I enabled it, its there.

Im planning to install caps central to test it out.