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Inbound : Calls Today

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:00 pm
by gmcust3
I logged in Inbound campaign.

Now, If I just Select CloserTy campaign it shows me


But If I select ,

TIME ON VDAD (per campaign) --- >>> Choose Report Display Options --->>> ALL ACTIVE,

It shows me correct figure :


Anyone faced it ?

Also, even If I don't select INBOUND = Yes, i.e INBOUND=NO, it does shows me CloserTy. Its normal ?

Re: Inbound : Calls Today

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:33 pm
by williamconley
gmcust3 wrote:I logged in Inbound campaign.

Now, If I just Select CloserTy campaign it shows me
"it shows me"? what shows you? you mean the Campaign stats in real time? those are for OUTBOUND calls (Campaigns are OUTBOUND, InGroups are Inbound ...).

Can you post the URL of which you speak (and a screen shot would be lovely) if that's not the issue :)