Well we were checking the bill from the provider and notice we were charged for a very long calls. example 10 hours calls.
Looking in the logs that was right we had that calls made.
And notice the following in the meetmes:
One meetme with three or more parties.
Conf Num Parties Marked Activity Creation
8600051 0001LI> N/A 00:21:29 Static
8600059 0001 N/A 00:34:44 Static
8600057 0002 N/A 00:42:46 Static
8600054 0003 N/A 00:53:26 Static
8600056 0001LI> N/A 00:56:08 Static
8600058 0001 N/A 01:14:03 Static
8600052 0001 N/A 01:33:45 Static
8600053 0001 N/A 02:23:44 Static
8600055 0002LI> N/A 04:12:26 Static
* Total number of MeetMe users: 13
asterisk-vicidial*CLI> meetme list 8600054
User #: 01 <unknown> V0720102734000105901 Channel: IAX2/binfone00-2 (unmonitored)
User #: 03 9043713153 M0720104703000081550 Channel: Local/8600054@default-63f0,2 (unmonitored)
User #: 04 <unknown> S0607201108418600054 Channel: SIP/2009-f390 (unmonitored)
3 users in that conference.
asterisk-vicidial*CLI> show channel IAX2/binfone00-2
-- General --ial*CLI>
Name: IAX2/binfone00-2
Type: IAX2
UniqueID: 1153412855.33568
Caller ID: (N/A)
Caller ID Name: V0720102734000105901
DNID Digits: (N/A)
State: Up (6)
Rings: 0
NativeFormat: 2
WriteFormat: 64
ReadFormat: 64
1st File Descriptor: -1
Frames in: 9461
Frames out: 180111
Time to Hangup: 0
Elapsed Time: 1h2m5s
Direct Bridge: <none>
Indirect Bridge: <none>
-- PBX --
Context: default
Extension: 8600054
Priority: 1
Call Group: 0
Pickup Group: 0
Application: MeetMe
Data: 8600054
Blocking in: ast_waitfor_nandfds
Notice: Elapsed Time: 1h2m5s That is bad