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Vicidial and GSM based Voice Logger

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:22 am
by gmcust3
It basically has 4 ports for 4 GSM which connects with normal phone set and this Logger has voice logger with Interface to search and etc functionality. ... ogger.html

How can I integrate above Product with Vicidial ?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:36 am
by williamconley
ask the manufacturer if it integrates with Asterisk or FreeSwitch (linux drivers for interfacing will be required for this).

Presently it mentions using USB to "connect", which means it needs drivers to interface with linux at all. After that it is designed to work with "EPABX - electronic private automatic branch exchange" which means nothing unless we know which systems it can deal with. IE: If it is designed to interface with dialogic cards or some other proprietary systems, we're not likely to be able to help you. But if it can work with Asterisk ... :)