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controling a dialing list

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:32 pm
by noworldorder
VERSION: 2.4-280
BUILD: 100912-0842
no other software installed
This is not my setup so I
don't know all the details

Let us say you have a large list.. 200 000 records. And it is in order of postal code. Is there any way to jump donw the list? That is, if one wanted to control where one was calling with such a large list could one cause the dialer to start dialing at - for example - record # 50 000?

This would be a big help.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:35 pm
by williamconley
weird question, but a filter with lead_id>'50000' may be what you're looking for.

you can also use mysql to modify the leads and put them in individual lists (change the list_id for leads 1-50000 to "1001" and 50001-100000 to "1002" etc). which may make the leads easier to deal with later.

you could also modify based on zip code or any other criteria you like.