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Question About Minute Usage

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:45 am
by refiking
Complete NOOB here and I need some help understanding the dialing usage. As I understand it, each agent has to log into the system by accepting a phone call. From that point, the agent can join in the campaign running. So, will I be billed for both the incoming call and each dial? Any clarity here is appreciated

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:59 pm
by mflorell
Are you using a hosted service or is this an on-premises machine?

Who is your carrier?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:07 pm
by williamconley
if you set yourself up with SIP or IAX phones (soft phones or hardware) you can register those phones directly to the system via the internet or local area network.

once that is done, the call to the agent from the phone system is an internal call, not billable by anyone.

then you ONLY pay for calls generated to prospects.

obviously this only applies if you have SIP / IAX phones that can directly contact your vicidial server.

A little research on Asterisk, descriptions of similar systems such as Trixbox and FreePBX based systems will probably help you to understand HOW this technology works.

Another method would be to grab the nearest P4 laying around in your office (unused agent workstation? no need for a monitor after it's built! just a CPU with a network card!) and install Vicibox 3.0.6 (available at right now for free!!!). After you've followed the installation instructions, you'll have a functional system that can make calls as long as you have internet. The number of calls is related to the speed of your internet ... but the "TEST" can be done on virtually any internet connection so you can understand the system. :)

If you are curious, i REALLY recommend that method of learning. It's quite helpful.

If you don't want to wipe that machine and use it, there is even a Demo CD that you don't even need to install. Just boot from it and you have a functional (for testing at least) Vicidial system, capable of making and taking a couple calls at a time. But fully functional (old version, though, but still works very well for testing and look/feel is the same).