can anyone clear my douts about how vtiger integration works?
is it like this :
we are in a manual campaign
- agent logs in vicidial
- agent enter customer info (tel, name, ...) and click on fast dial,
- lead info are filled and call is done
- vtiger info also popup and a call log is created for the account/lead/contact
how i want to work :
- agent logs in vicidial
- agent search contacts in vtiger
- agent view contact info
- agent dial on the tel field (click to dial)
- vicidial dial the contact and lead info are loaded on main vicidial screen (agent do not need to view it)
- we have a log in vicidial and in vtiger
the ideal solution should be that vicidial is hidden , agents only see vtiger interface but all calls are done by vicidial , ie vicidial works as usual : log calls, agent log info,.....