Page 1 of 1 problems loading leads

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:41 pm
by enjay
Been experiencing this issue since i updated to the latest snapshot. I put in all the new SQL entries as defined in the README.


Starting hopper run for 21 campaign- GMT: 24hours HOPPER: 100
hopper DONE cleared: 0
|DELETE from vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='21' and status IN('DONE');|
hopper GMT BAD cleared: 0
|DELETE from vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='21' and ((gmt_offset_now IN('99') ) );|
hopper READY count: 0
|SELECT count(*) from vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='21' and status='READY';|
hopper too low (0|100) starting hopper dump
campaign lists count: 2 | '1338','1339'
|SELECT list_id FROM vicidial_lists where campaign_id='21' and active='Y';|
campaign lists count: 2 | '1338','1339'
lead filter 8307 defined for 21
|and |
|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_list where called_since_last_reset='N' and status IN('NEW','','','','') and list_id IN('1338','1339') and ((gmt_offset_now IN('13.00','12.75','12.50','12.25','12.00','11.75','11.50','11.25','11.00','10.75','10.50','10.25','10.00','9.75','9.50','9.25','9.00','8.75','8.50','8.25','8.00','7.75','7.50','7.25','7.00','6.75','6.50','6.25','6.00','5.75','5.50','5.25','5.00','4.75','4.50','4.25','4.00','3.75','3.50','3.25','3.00','2.75','2.50','2.25','2.00','1.75','1.50','1.25','1.00','0.75','0.50','0.25','0.00','-0.25','-0.50','-0.75','-1.00','-1.25','-1.50','-1.75','-2.00','-2.25','-2.50','-2.75','-3.00','-3.25','-3.50','-3.75','-4.00','-4.25','-4.50','-4.75','-5.00','-5.25','-5.50','-5.75','-6.00','-6.25','-6.50','-6.75','-7.00','-7.25','-7.50','-7.75','-8.00','-8.25','-8.50','-8.75','-9.00','-9.25','-9.50','-9.75','-10.00','-10.25','-10.50','-10.75','-11.00','-11.25','-11.50','-11.75','-12.00','-12.25','-12.50','-12.75','99') ) ) and ;|
DONE... Exiting... Goodbye... See you later... Really, I mean it :)



PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:07 pm
by mflorell
Run the following query in your MySQL command line and post the results:

select count(*),status,list_id,called_since_last_reset from vicidial_list group by status,list_id,called_since_last_reset order by list_id, status;

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:14 pm
by enjay
Database changed
mysql> select count(*),status,list_id,called_since_last_reset from vicidial_list group by status,list_id,called_since_last_reset order by list_id, status;
| count(*) | status | list_id | called_since_last_reset |
| 26 | NEW | 107 | N |
| 1 | A | 999 | Y |
| 1 | A | 1338 | Y |
| 6 | N | 1338 | Y |
| 92 | NEW | 1338 | N |
| 1 | NEW | 1338 | Y |
| 100 | NEW | 1339 | N |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:48 pm
by mflorell
Try disabling your lead filter(set it to NONE) in your campaign detail screen and see if that helps.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:34 am
by enjay
Unfortunately that goes back to my original issue of no changes taking affect in the /vicidial/admin.php page. I will update to 1.1.12 today in fact Im going to start from scratch and wipe out the existing database etc. Will let you know what happens.


PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:24 am
by enjay
Just an FYI I wiped updated to 1.1.12 and everything appears to be functioning properly.


PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:30 am
by mflorell
There is a minor bug in the vicidial/admin.php script for the 1.1.12. You can download the fixed one here: ... admin.phps

Or wait 15 minutes for the 1.1.12-1 release to be posted.