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How to handle UK/Europe Addresses

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:32 pm
by slider
Hello. We are starting a campaign in the UK and I am curious of what features / tools you have used to make your campaigns a success?

For example, we are collecting customers names and addresses to send a product.

We currently use another system and verify a persons address against a Royal Mail Database before it hits our database.

Do you know of any tools that work well with Vici to verify an address before the data record is saved?

Any recommendation on verifying UK customer addresses is greatly apprecaited.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:24 pm
by williamconley
Use the Web Form button/field to send the data to ANY verification system you like. Then you can validate the data and push it to any other database (and/or back into the Vicidial Database as well).