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SAM Reports

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:40 am
by gmcust3
Anyone Tried with Vicidial ?

I know its shld work with Asterisk but anyone Tried it ?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:20 pm
by williamconley
Paid software? None of my clients. They'll pay ME for customization.

That software looks quite nice, but Vicidial doesn't invoke CDR by default. And I'm not sure how you are expected to "get to the data" (since CDR is a flat file), unless you modify asterisk cdr to use the asteriskcdrdb. And in that case ..., yep that looks like it would work nicely (as would virtually ANY statistical package, many of which are free ...)


PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:47 am
by mihaelamj
I'm the author of Sam Reports. Many of my customers are Asterisk/OS integrators, and paying a one-time flat fee goes well with their business.
Their clients still pay them for services like choosing the technology (eg. Asterisk + ViciDial), installing it, customizing, setting-up the HW etc..
They choose Sam Reports because that way they can provide a reporting feature faster (no time needed to install/configure/customize sw on Asterisk PBX) and cheaper (one-time flat fee)
If you're working as a consultant/integrator then your time, as well as your expertise is what you're selling. Your time is not a commodity.
When opting for a shrink-wrapped sw there is also a benefit of support, which in this case is "outsourced" to the company that made the sw (my company).
I'm currently running a Beta for the new version of Sam Reports.
If any of you are interested you can drop me an email:
mihaela (at) token (dot) hr
