Interpretation-Real-Time All Campaigns Summary ???
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:46 am
Does anyone can help me with some interpretations of status and explain me what which status exactly means? Yes , I read manager manual and it is not enough to understand some things about status )
1. First question is what is campaign is better defined?
2. In first campaign 100 , CALLS TODAY:15641 , but DROPPED/ANSWERED:3906/5891 (3906+5891=9797) it is not equal 15641, what is with the rest of calls 15641-9797=5844 ???
i.e which statuses of calls belongs to ANSWERED and which statuses of calls belongs to DROPPED ???
3.What means DIL DIFF and DIFF? What is desirable values ??
4. what means AVG CUSTTIME ?
p.s I know for definition of statuses under Human Answered column. In manager manual wrote:
"Selectable defines whether it shows up in the ViciDial agent screen as an agent disposition. The
human_answered field is used when calculating the drop percentage, or abandon rate. Setting
human_answered to Y will use this status when counting the human-answered calls" ??
I understood above but not completly?