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Accessing vicidial database

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:12 am
by Ammar AlAzmeh
Dear all,

How could I access the vicidial database from GUI, and how to obtain the login info of the database?

Goautodial 2.6.18, VERSION: 2.4-309a,BUILD: 110430-1642, Digium, Inc. Wildcard TE220 dual-span T1/E1/J1


Re: Accessing vicidial database

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:00 pm
by williamconley
Thanks for posting your specs. I've never used that particular version of the GoAutoDial installer (we stick primarily with Vicibox except for client boxes that use GoAutoDial, and none are using that version yet). However: All previous versions of GoAutoDial AND Vicibox which I've used have phpMyAdmin installed. Do you see it on your menus? (user=cron; pass=1234)

I do recommend setting the mysql root user password if that was not done by your installation script. You will then have more privileges when you log in as root via phpMyAdmin.