vicidial for center 18000 call inbound

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vicidial for center 18000 call inbound

Postby btaveras » Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:37 pm

Hi guys

I'm kinda have a while using the vicidial and its great, but now I'm getting a campaign that I will need to handle 18000 inbound calls a day with 110 agents, I will like to know what do I need, how many servers will handle this kind of traffic, I was thinking:

3 asterisk servers
1 web sever
1 DB

Is there a way to separate the servers on the vicidial, let say if I have 5 vicidial on 5 servers, Can I specify which one is their functions?

please advice
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Re: vicidial for center 18000 call inbound

Postby Vince-0 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:29 am

120 agents:
30 agents x 4 Vicidial telephony servers (Xeon Quad Core)
1 web server
1 database server (HW RAID 10)

You should be able to get up to 40 agents on a telephony server if it is Dual Xeon Quad Core, 8GB RAM. Bear in mind you will want to store recordings on a FTP server.

The vicibox-install process from Vicibox Redux ISO will ask which functions each server will need to perform (database, telephony, web).

Easy peezy.

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Re: vicidial for center 18000 call inbound

Postby williamconley » Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:48 pm

btaveras wrote:I will like to know what do I need, how many servers will handle this kind of traffic
Is there a way to separate the servers on the vicidial, let say if I have 5 vicidial on 5 servers, Can I specify which one is their functions?

1) How many: the number of calls per day is not an issue. It is the number of Simultaneous calls that is at issue. If those calls are to be even spread throughout the day, a mere average will determine how many simultaneous calls will happen. But if you have 90% during the 30 minutes following or during a certain advertising event (normal) and the rest trickle in over the next 10 hours ... then that compaction of calls in that 30 minutes will cause a significantly larger number of "max simultaneous calls". One way or the other: The number of max calls and agents plus whether you are recording all calls and whether the calls are All inbound or if some are outbound and autodialed ... all necessary for a "guess" at the number and type of servers.

I will say that one of the best designed systems I've seen for Enterprise Level (designed by The Vicidial Group) consisted of 8 servers (almost all inbound, very little outbound). 4 Dialers, 2 webs, 1 DB, 1 Archive. If you were to add another Dialer or two you could increase "peak" capacity. Also having a slave DB server (for reporting) is an option that can be very handy to remove reporting load from the primary DB server. In theory it could also be used as a "backup" DB server. Most systems, however, require that the DB server be virtually bullet-proof. Redundant power supplies. UPS, RAID 10, multi HD, 8 cores, 32G RAM, that sort of thing.

2) Yes, each server can be defined to a single role or multiple roles, except DB: There can be only One DB server in use. (the "slave" DB server is not used for calling, just for reporting). If you have multiple server requirements, you should consult with a professional before you fire it up ... unless you have lots of time to build and experiment. We handle this as does (of course!) The Vicidial Group. has an .iso that will install all roles based on a "quiz" during install. Start with the DB server and add as many of each role as you see fit. Our policy for most systems is to install all roles on all servers to allow for redundancy (ie: if a web server dies, ANY other server can be used for web!).

3) For a system of great magnitude, be sure that the VOIP provider which is passing the calls is capable of true load balancing. In other words: If you have 6 servers accepting inbound phone calls, and your provider does not balance, server 1 could end up with 2X the number of calls of any other servers and die a horrible, miserable death that is completely unnecessary. Not just "rotating", because chaos laws (and Murphy's rule) state that eventually a random event will occur where all calls will end up on one machine at the busiest part of the day and your primary server will then behave erratically or just plain die.
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Re: vicidial for center 18000 call inbound

Postby boybawang » Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:56 am

and use SSD hard drives and an optimized linux kernel for maximum efficiency
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