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vicidial with google docs spreadsheet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:15 am
by raloheni
VERSION: 2.6-375a
BUILD: 120831-1523
scratch install (ralsolomon from vicidial wiki page)
os : centos 5.8

i am using the google docs ( spreadsheet) as a CRM. the spreadsheet is like firstname , mobile no, address, agent , status.
and the same spreadsheet has been shared with some out side peoples to view and edit option.

i need to integrate the google docs with the vicidial.
just i want to target the google docs by clicking the webform and search based on the caller id.

if any one done this before , kindly share the how to?

Re: vicidial with google docs spreadsheet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:22 am
by williamconley
you would need to provide a url that performs the search. that url would be placed into the web form or into a script.

also: using a shared spreadsheet as a "crm" is not likely to serve you well over time. you should seriously consider a real CRM (sugarcrm and vtiger are both Free)

Re: vicidial with google docs spreadsheet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:52 am
by raloheni
problem is , i dont have public ip to access the crm from outside.
so only i am using the google docs , which is very userfriendly and realtime .

i am able to put the google docs url in webform , but i want the url to be query based on the caller id .( not to just open the google docs)

Re: vicidial with google docs spreadsheet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:23 pm
by williamconley
you likely do have a public ip but do not know how to configure your router. although you are sharing the public ip with everyone else at your location.

but there are many different hosting options for things like sugarcrm where you can have it hosted and still able to accept leads from Vicidial. :) But i do recommend having it hosted inside your facility, just learn how to configure your router to allow public access. :)