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Recording Manual Outbound Calls

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:06 pm
by kdc
Hi all,

I have installed (with some help) Vicibox / Vicidial ver. 2-6-381a, build 121114-1923, single server, SIP channels.

I am currently recording all inbound calls whether they are through VICIDial and routed to a phone manually -- which is stellar. However, I also need to be able to record outbound calls. Through the predictive mode, I've had no problem, but manual calls are not being recorded. How can I set this up, as the manual does not address manual calls?


Re: Recording Manual Outbound Calls

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:22 pm
by williamconley
If you are talking about manual dialed calls in a logged in agent's campaign screen:

Campaign Recording - This menu allows you to choose what level of recording is allowed on this campaign. NEVER will disable recording on the client. ONDEMAND is the default and allows the agent to start and stop recording as needed. ALLCALLS will start recording on the client whenever a call is sent to an agent. ALLFORCE will start recording on the client whenever a call is sent to an agent giving the agent no option to stop recording. For ALLCALLS and ALLFORCE there is an option to use the Recording Delay to cut down on very short recordings and recude system load.

If not logged in to a campaign:


Re: Recording Manual Outbound Calls

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:14 pm
by kdc
I'm talking about non-logged in agent calls.

I followed the link, and changed my phone context from 'outbound' to 'defaultlog' and I was not able to make an outbound call. That being said, it recorded my failed attempts. :)

I tried leaving the phone context as 'outbound' and changed the exten context from 'default' to 'defaultlog' but that didn't seem to work.

My carrier settings (which refer to 'outbound' state:

exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,goto(outbound,1${EXTEN},1)
exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@vitel-outbound)
exten => _011.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@vitel-outbound)
e911 must be enabled. see DIDs > NPANXXNXXX > Action menu > e911
exten => _911,1,Dial(SIP/911@vitel-outbound)
include => vicidial-auto

Any other suggestions?


Re: Recording Manual Outbound Calls

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:38 pm
by williamconley
Your "outbound" context is kinda muddled up. It has "e911" in it which was meant to be a comment and should be deleted. It has many other things in it which really don't belong there. You should look up a standard outbound dialplan (there have been hundreds posted ...) and use that instead. In fact, there have been several specific to Vitelity posted. LOL. Ask me again when I'm done with thanksgiving and I can post one specific for you, but if you google it you should be able to find one. You may also have a look at the defaultlog and see if it "forwards" to a specific context/location and be sure that the call will succeed upon forwarding.

Re: Recording Manual Outbound Calls

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:06 am
by kdc
Hi William,

I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.

I understand that defaultlog should be defined somewhere, but I went digging in sip.conf and extensions.conf and I didn't see it anywhere. Can you point me at the right conf file?


Re: Recording Manual Outbound Calls

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:22 am
by williamconley
search for defaultlog in an asterisk conf file:

cd /etc/asterisk
grep defaultlog * -R -n

the result of this will be every occurrence of "defaultlog" showing the file name and line number of the occurrence. Welcome to Linux :)

Re: Recording Manual Outbound Calls

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:09 pm
by kdc
Hi William,

I found it in extensions-vicidial.conf

; logging of all outbound calls from agent phones
exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,n,AGI(agi-VDAD_inbound_calltime_check.agi,CALLMENU-----NO-----defaultlog--------------------------NO)
exten => s,n,Set(INVCOUNT=0)
exten => s,n,Background(sip-silence)
exten => s,n,WaitExten(20)

So, while my asterisk code is not strong, couldn't I alter the code for outbound calling to:

exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@vitel-outbound)
exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,AGI(agi-VDAD_inbound_calltime_check.agi,CALLMENU-----NO-----defaultlog--------------------------NO)
exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,3,Set(INVCOUNT=0)
exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,4,Background(sip-silence)
exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,5,WaitExten(20)

Would this work?

Re: Recording Manual Outbound Calls

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:27 pm
by williamconley
Why are you changing defaultlog? It worked just the way it was. If your goal was to record manual dialed calls fix your carrier dialplan entry to a proper entry and you'd be all good.

Did you read the prior post? referenced in the link above?

Also of note: the defaultlog context begins here:

And ends at the next "[contextinbrackets]". Which means you missed some of it that covers what you are trying to do (ie: the recording part? LOL). So what you've done, essentially, is convert your working defaultlog context into another broken outbound dialplan. Not probably what your goal was, huh?

Also of note: making changes in any "xxxxxx-vicidial.conf" will be overwritten at the next system configuration reload (ie: when making a new phone, etc) anyway. So that's going to reset itself, no need to fix it.