by guillecs » Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:03 am
Sorry, I don't know how explain the situation clearly:
I saw a lot of callbacks on the hopper , then i reboot the machine , I saw the same
hopper and the callbacks and they aren't there...., the rows in the vicidial_callbacks table
are still there, with status marked as 'LIVE' , the rows in vicidial_list table are still there
, with status marked as 'CALLBK' , but althougth the programed time is past, never went
another time on the hopper.
The callbacks are ONLY filled into the hopper, when are modified from ACTIVE to LIVE,
if the hopper is emptied, by a reboot b.e. , the callbacks who were deleted from hopper, never will be putted
on the hopper, becouse they are already marked as LIVE.
Below I paste the piece of the source ( where the hopper is filled with the callbacks (anynone),
The callbacks,
$stmtA = "SELECT vicidial_callbacks.lead_id,recipient,campaign_id,vicidial_callbacks.list_id,gmt_offset_now,state,vicidial_callbacks.lead_status,vendor_lead_code
FROM vicidial_callbacks,vicidial_list where callback_time <= '$now_date' and vicidial_callbacks.status='ACTIVE' and vicidial_callbacks.lead_id=vicidial_list.lead_id;";
while ($sthArows > $cbc)
if ( ($cba > 0) && ($insert_auto_CB_to_hopper) ) {
$stmtA = "UPDATE vicidial_callbacks set status='LIVE' where lead_id IN($update_leads) and status NOT IN('INACTIVE','DEAD','ARCHIVE');";
foreach(@CA_lead_id) {
$stmtA = "UPDATE vicidial_list set status='$CA_status[$CAu]', called_since_last_reset='N' where lead_id='$CA_lead_id[$CAu]';";
(in older versions, status always is set to 'CALLBK' )
$stmtA = "INSERT INTO $vicidial_hopper SET lead_id='$CA_lead_id[$CAu]',campaign_id='$CA_campaign_id[$CAu]',list_id='$CA_list_id[$CAu]',gmt_offset_now='$CA_gmt_offset_now[$CAu]',user='',state='$CA_state[$CAu]',priority='50',source='C',vendor_lead_code='$CA_vendor_lead_code[$cba]';";
May be, a solution is that when the machine starts , after the hopper is deleted, mark as ACTIVE
all the callbacks that are marked as LIVE (and also may be marked as CALLBK in the list).
Or before the hopper is deleted, by the booting process or the reload hopper action, mark as ACTIVE all
the callbacks that are into it and was previusly marked as LIVE.
1 Server: DB, WEB and TELEPHONY
vicibox 4.0.1 | VICIDIAL VERSION: 2.6-392a BUILD: 130102-1135 | From ViciBox.x86_64-4.0.1.iso
vicidial trunk revision 1915
Asterisk 1.4.44-vici on a x86_64
HP Proliant DL 380 G7 , 2 Xeon CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz , 16 GB RAM