SIP-friendly routers?

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SIP-friendly routers?

Postby B.lee2 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:03 am

Hey there, I have a chronic problem with SIP breaking when another phone registers to vicibox.

I know it's the router, because before I had no problem with my old one but now I have to reset something in the new router everytime a phone registers. .

Is there a cheap router I can use that will work out of the box?

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Re: SIP-friendly routers?

Postby williamconley » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:49 am

Hundreds of them (most new ones work out of the box). But we don't use routers here, we put each vicidial server directly on the net and use iptables to provide security.

You may, however, be mistaken about a new phone breaking the system. That may be coincidence. Usually it is the "timeout" of the router which closes the random port before registration expires, and the phone thinks it is registered even though it's port has been closed. Consider changing the registration renewal time in the phone to 60 seconds or even 30 seconds.
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