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Multiple page PHP calling scripts

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:50 pm
by karlb
Hello all,

I'm not sure if something of this nature has been posted before and I highly doubt I have a perfect example of how to do this, but I thought I would share what I have done to create multiple page scripts in PHP.

First, the script is called from iframe: (Note is starts at page 1, YOURSCRIPT.PHP?page=1)
Code: Select all
<iframe src="../agc/YOURSCRIPT.PHP?page=1&CF_uses_custom_fields=Y&lead_id=--A--lead_id--B--&vendor_id=--A--vendor_lead_code--B--&list_id=--A--list_id--B--&gmt_offset_now=--A--gmt_offset_now--B--&phone_code=--A--phone_code--B--&phone_number=--A--phone_number--B--&title=--A--title--B--&first_name=--A--first_name--B--&middle_initial=--A--middle_initial--B--&last_name=--A--last_name--B--&address1=--A--address1--B--&address2=--A--address2--B--&address3=--A--address3--B--&city=--A--city--B--&state=--A--state--B--&province=--A--province--B--&postal_code=--A--postal_code--B--&country_code=--A--country_code--B--&gender=--A--gender--B--&date_of_birth=--A--date_of_birth--B--&alt_phone=--A--alt_phone--B--&email=--A--email--B--&security_phrase=--A--security_phrase--B--&comments=--A--comments--B--&user=--A--user--B--&pass=--A--pass--B--&campaign=--A--campaign--B--&phone_login=--A--phone_login--B--&fronter=--A--fronter--B--&closer=--A--user--B--&group=--A--group--B--&channel_group=--A--group--B--&SQLdate=--A--SQLdate--B--&epoch=--A--epoch--B--&uniqueid=--A--uniqueid--B--&rank=--A--rank--B--&owner=--A--owner--B--&customer_zap_channel=--A--customer_zap_channel--B--&server_ip=--A--server_ip--B--&SIPexten=--A--SIPexten--B--&session_id=--A--session_id--B--" style="background-color:transparent;" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" id="popupFrame" name="popupFrame"  width="--A--script_width--B--" height="--A--script_height--B--" STYLE="z-index:17"> </iframe>

The problem with the PHP was that is had all the variables you just threw at it in the GET request, but the second you click on a link to go to the next page, it forgets all of those. I created a PHP session in the beginning of my script which "holds" the lead you are working with. From that, it creates two arrays; one for the vicidial standard fields and one for custom fields (if you have any). From there, you have a "shell" or template to create scripts in a more timely fashion.

Here is my example, note page 1, 2 and 3. Disposition page, etc. I know it's not perfect, but if I had this when I first fired up vici, it would have saved me at least some headache in programming my first complex script (almost 1,000 line multiple page script!) I'm passing it along in hopes it may help another person dive into multiple page scripts.

Code: Select all

//ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$webip = "";
$dbip = "";
$dbuser = "username";
$dbpass = "password";

mysql_connect($dbip, $dbuser, $dbpass)or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("asterisk")or die("cannot select DB");

if (isset($_POST["page"]))   {$page=$_POST["page"];}
   elseif (isset($_GET["page"]))   {$page=$_GET["page"];}
if (isset($_POST["list_id"]))   {$list_id=$_POST["list_id"];}
   elseif (isset($_GET["list_id"]))   {$list_id=$_GET["list_id"];}
if (isset($_POST["campaign"]))   {$campaign=$_POST["campaign"];}
   elseif (isset($_GET["campaign"]))   {$campaign=$_GET["campaign"];}
if (isset($_POST["user"]))   {$user=$_POST["user"];}
   elseif (isset($_GET["user"]))   {$user=$_GET["user"];}
if (isset($_POST["pass"]))   {$pass=$_POST["pass"];}
   elseif (isset($_GET["pass"]))   {$pass=$_GET["pass"];}
if (isset($_POST["lead_id"]))   {$lead_id=$_POST["lead_id"];}
   elseif (isset($_GET["lead_id"]))   {$lead_id=$_GET["lead_id"];}
if (isset($_POST["vendor_id"]))   {$vendor_id=$_POST["vendor_id"];}
   elseif (isset($_GET["vendor_id"]))   {$vendor_id=$_GET["vendor_id"];}
   $vendor_lead_code = $vendor_id;

if($lead_id != $_SESSION['lead_id'] and $page == "1") {
$_SESSION['list_id'] = NULL;
$_SESSION['lead_id'] = NULL;
$_SESSION['user'] = NULL;
$_SESSION['pass'] = NULL;
$_SESSION['campaign'] = NULL;


if(!isset($_SESSION['list_id'])) {$_SESSION['list_id'] = $list_id;}
if(!isset($_SESSION['lead_id'])) {$_SESSION['lead_id'] = $lead_id;}
if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])) {$_SESSION['user'] = $user;}
if(!isset($_SESSION['pass'])) {$_SESSION['pass'] = $pass;}
if(!isset($_SESSION['campaign'])) {$_SESSION['campaign'] = $campaign;}
$lead_id = $_SESSION['lead_id'];
$list_id = $_SESSION['list_id'];
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$pass = $_SESSION['pass'];
$campaign = $_SESSION['campaign'];

//Create array vicifield for vicidial standard fields. Accessed with $vicifield['anystandardfieldname']
$sql="SELECT * FROM vicidial_list WHERE list_id='$list_id' and lead_id='$lead_id'";
$vicifield = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

//Create array customfield for any campaign with custom fields. Comment out for campaign without custom fields. Accessed with $customfield['anycustomfieldname']
$sql2="SELECT * FROM custom_$list_id WHERE lead_id='$lead_id'";
$customfield = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2);


// PAGE 1
if($page == "1"){

Hi, My name is ____. May I speak to <? echo $vicifield['first_name']; ?>?

<form method="POST" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page=2'; ?>">
<table border="0" width="100%">
      <td>   <p><input type="submit" value="Go to next page" name="B1"></p>
<form method="POST" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page=dispcall'; ?>">
   <p><select size="1" name="status">
   <option value="20">NOT INTERESTED</option>
   <option value="22">OTHER</option>
   <option value="26">DO NOT CALL</option>
   <option value="30">DISCONNECTED</option>
   </select><input type="submit" value="End Call as selected" name="B2"></p>


// PAGE 2
if($page == "2"){
//Update first name field from post form on page 1. Refere to Agent API.
$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];
$update = file_get_contents("http://$webip/agc/api.php?source=$campaign&user=$user&pass=$pass&function=update_fields&agent_user=$user&vendor_lead_code=$lead_id&first_name=$first_name");
This is page 2!

<form method="POST" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page=3'; ?>">
<input type="submit" value="Go to next page" name="B1">


// PAGE 3

if($page == "3"){
This is page 3!



if($page == "dispcall"){
$status = $_POST['status'];

$update = file_get_contents("http://$webip/agc/api.php?source=$campaign&user=$user&pass=$pass&agent_user=$user&function=external_hangup&value=1");
$update2 = file_get_contents("http://$webip/agc/api.php?source=$campaign&user=$user&pass=$pass&agent_user=$user&function=external_status&value=$status");

echo "Ending call as $status";
//echo $update;
//echo $update2;


if($page == "dispselect"){

<form method="POST" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page=dispcall'; ?>">
   <p><select size="1" name="status">
   <option value="20">NOT INTERESTED</option>
   <option value="22">OTHER</option>
   <option value="26">DO NOT CALL</option>
   <option value="30">DISCONNECTED</option>
   </select><input type="submit" value="Continue" name="B2"></p>





Karl Babcock

Re: Multiple page PHP calling scripts

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:18 am
by williamconley
excellent post. consider modifying your code to mysqli (mysql is no longer recommended ...). also consider using the standard vicidial "include" to acquire either the dblink itself (still presently mysql) or you can use it to acquire the DB credentials. this avoids the hard-coding of db credentials in the file itself. removes the need for the "next person" to modify this file for db credentials and you can also move it freely among your own servers without changes. It also reduces the likelihood of exposing the credentials in case of a server failure. PHP fails on boot because you edited a conf file ... and the php files are often sent as text. But includes don't work in that situation so the credentials are safe if they are in an include. :)

and you could consider posting these to the Vicidial Issue tracker ... who knows, it may get included in an extras folder somewhere 8-)

Re: Multiple page PHP calling scripts

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:54 pm
by brett05
put your code in mantis please