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Order leads by date_of_birth

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:46 am
by PeterS
VERSION: 2.4-338a
BUILD: 110923-2043

I need to set the order of leads for manual dialling, not by lead_id (DOWN or UP) but by date_of_birth from table vicidial_list

I made a change in where I changed the order by dathe_of_birth (UP and DOWN), but still oreder leads by lead_id.

Maybe it still needed another change, please help.

Re: Order leads by date_of_birth

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:07 am
by mflorell
There is more involved than just changing the hopper loading script. You also have to change the agc/vdc_db_query.php and the vicidial/admin.php scripts to include that option as well.

Then of course you need to clear your hopper before it would go into effect.

Re: Order leads by date_of_birth

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:28 am
by PeterS
Thank you for the tip and help, I made some changes in vdc_db_queuery.php and I added the option order by date of birth in List Order menu in admin.php

Re: Order leads by date_of_birth

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:22 pm
by williamconley
Put the DOB in the Last Name field, and put the last name in the first name field (combined with the first name, converting this to a Full Name field). Then sort by last name.

Then there's no programming involved and your vicidial is still stock (handy for your next upgrade moment).