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GoAutoDial on Celsius - Overload

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:04 am
by albania
Hello all. This is my first post in this forum.

Fujistu Siemens Celcius: Core2Duo E6550 2.33GHz, 8 gb RAM, 350 gb HD. OS: GoAutoDial 2.4.

my story and My IT: When we purchased this WorkStation i wanted to take a xeon procesor, but he told me to not do that because i dont need so much power for a 25 seats call center. Celsius would be fine, goautodial would run on an average of 50-60%.
Problem: on 12 Seats i have 70-90% average, on 13th seat average goes on 100% and everything is a mess. I cannot handle this situation because i need al least 20 seats working.
1) can my celsius handle this scenario (25 seats, ratio 2,8)?
2) Do i need maybe VicidialNow or ViciBox for this scenario or there are no diference?
3) If not what is the best recomandation for a 25 seats and a 35 seats.

PS: g729 is used, agents are working on E4500 pc.
PPS: I have optical fiber on 10mb up/down so i dont have external problems

Need help

Re: GoAutoDial on Celsius - Overload

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:20 pm
by gardo
If you're getting issues (when you increase your agents) not present when dialing with less agents, chances are your load average might be too much for the system to handle. FYI: A dual core system can handle up to 200% (100% per core) or 2.0.

Please post your load average when dialing. You can get this by running "top -c". The load average is on the upper right. Something like:

Code: Select all
load average: 1.17, 1.27, 1.49.

Usually a single quad core Xeon server (with 8 GB RAM) is enough to handle <25 seats (doing 3:1 ratio, g729 and full call recordings). Just don't forget to enable tmpfs or RAMdrives for the call recordings to minimize disk IO bottlenecks.

In cases where a quad core Xeon server is insufficient, it's recommended to do a multi-server Vicidial setup (separate database/web server from the dialer) instead of a more powerful single server setup. You can check the LOAD_BALANCING.txt on how to set this up.

Re: GoAutoDial on Celsius - Overload

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:12 am
by albania
Load Averages 11.38 9.85 6.71

on 11 seats:
Load Averages 12.21 7.52 5.97

Is it normal?
which solution should i have? and most important, should continue to use goautodial or change in vicidialNow or vicibox?

Re: GoAutoDial on Celsius - Overload

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:55 pm
by gardo
Your server is way overloaded. Your load average should be below 2.0. Yours is 12 (1200%). You need to do a multi-server setup for load balancing. It won't matter what Vicidial distro you're using if you're system is overloaded.