How to install Cisco VPN on Windows 10

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How to install Cisco VPN on Windows 10

Postby mcargile » Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:02 pm

This is completely off topic, but as I had to piece information together from several different sources online and off I figured I would put it all in one place that is publicly accessible. This will allow you to install the VPN and get it to run properly.

In particular this solves the 'This app can't run on this PC. - Cisco VPN Client doesn't work on this version of Windows.' The problem is that the extractor does not launch the installer in compatibility mode and the installer sets up the Virtual network adapter with a Display Name that is invalid. Here is how you fix both of these:

1. Download the latest Cisco VPN client (32bit or 64bit) software ( at the time I am writing this). It should be a self extracting ZIP file
2. Run the extractor, uncheck the box to run vpnclient_setup.exe, and change the folder to something you can easily navigate to. Then hit Unzip.
3. Navigate to the folder you just extracted the files to.
4. Right click vpnclient_setup.exe and choose Troubleshoot Compatibility.
5. Follow the prompts in the Troubleshooter wizard. It should decide to run the program in Windows XP mode.
6. The installer should run and prompt you to reboot which you should do.
7. After the reboot launch regedit.
8. Browse to the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA
9. Edit the DisplayName property.
10a. On 32bit Windows remove everything before 'Cisco Systems VPN Adapter' from the string.
10b. On 64bit Windows remove everything before 'Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows' from the string.
11. Reboot.

Cisco VPN should now be install and able to launch properly.

Also remind whomever is in charge of the VPN you are connecting to that the Cisco VPN has been End-Of-Lifed now for many years by Cisco and it is time that they convert to Cisco's AnyConnect platform or find a different VPN system to use.
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Re: How to install Cisco VPN on Windows 10

Postby williamconley » Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:29 am

I rather thought that Cisco AnyConnect could connect to a cisco VPN (as an alternative method, in addition to the Cisco VPN Client). Although I do recall there being some challenges that had to be overcome to make it happen, I don't have anything in my notes about the difficulties.

Entirely possible, of course, that the one I'm thinking of was a later revision, capable of both!

However: I do applaud your post in any event, as these legacy connections are often a pain in the tush. LOL Having docs for a fix is never a bad thing.
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