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Vicidial UPtime

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:46 am
by Apriljoey
Why do most of the vicidial issue are corrected with reboots, a huge procedure with no specific pinpointing of the issue. any one have experienced with vicidial that have long uptime and no reboot have been done so far

Re: Vicidial UPtime

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:34 am
by williamconley
this software is open source. if you want a server that never needs rebooting ... you'll likely be paying some cash for the software. I will say i have had some freepbx systems that could go forever without a reboot. but Vicidial is continually being edited and will always have tiny issues. rebooting nightly cleans out any tiny issues. NOT rebooting nightly means that you're just waiting for that tiny issue to become large enough to kill a service/process/query or whatever.