Available Only Questions

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Available Only Questions

Postby csbe » Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:34 am


I'm hoping someone can provide some insight on the available only settings.

We have a big setup with 100 or so agents and I'm trying to tune the dialer to keep them from waiting (and to minimize abandons). However when I turn "Available Only Tally" to N the dialer goes crazy and dials hundreds of dials even with every agent on the phone. I ran in ratio mode for a few days before turning this on to try to give the dialer some data to do adaptive accurately.

So my question is: Does available only simply calculate the number of total agents and create dials for them equally (whether on a call or not), or does it have some built in math to predict when they are going to become available?

Ideally, we'd have a predictive setup where it's dialing for agents that are available, and agents predicted to soon be off calls (but at an adjusted rate based on their stats).


Vicibox 6.0.4 from Vicibox_v.6.0.x86_64-6.0.4.iso | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.10-443a build 140617-2017 revision 2130 | | Multiple Servers: 6 Dial - 1DB - 1 Web| Amfletec VoiceSync PCI Chips | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel MultiCore Processors
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Re: Available Only Questions

Postby proper » Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:54 am

Hi, I will do my best to answer your question, but this topic need bit of back-story in to the nature of the beast.

Tally settings are in place to prevent calling too many lines when number of agents increases. There is a natural pattern expressed with call volume and directly related to number of agents in a given campaign.

Here is how it works - initial agents joining campaign need more lines called per agent to reach peak efficiency(time waiting vs drop %), as more agents login on, there is less of a chance to drop the call due to higher availability of agents and this means less calls need to be made per agent. Keep in mind that, "answer ratio" is unchanged no matter how-many agents are on the line(because it related to "lead quality"), however, availability of agents is lower if there are less agents on in given campaign and can be expressed as average time until next available agent in Q. Lower availability of agents means higher chance of dropped calls and to compensate, you need more lines per agent. (yes more calls leads to even higher drop% but we are talking peak efficiency)

Now, what does this mean in real world?
Campaign with 5 agents may run fairly good at 8:1 ratio, but same campaign(same leads) with 40 agents likely ends up with even lower wait-time and better drop% at 5:1 ratio.

This means that as more agents join the campaign, active ratio calculation must change to account for this effect and Tally Setting offers one way to do this.

When Tally is enabled vici will not count agents currently in calls and those about to join a call. Leading to reduced agent multiplier and as result - less calls going out - without changing actual dial ratio.(Especially important for RATIO method since it is fixed)

Here is real world example, with RATIO method -
A) We have 10 agents in a campaign, without any Tally setting, at 10:1 ratio. Multiplier looks like this 10x10 and system places 100 calls.
B) We have 10 agents but 2 are in calls and standard Tally is on, ratio is same 10:1. Multiplier looks like this 8x10 and system places 80calls.

Available Only Tally Threshold is just more complex way to configure Tally, mainly to make sure it takes effect only when specific number of agents login, or become available in a campaign, but once conditions for this setting are met, it works exactly like example B.

Tally settings do not make predictions about agent availability, they affect multiplier used for how many lines will be called in the entire campaign.

Feel free to PM me if you need further explanation.
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Re: Available Only Questions

Postby csbe » Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:45 am

Thanks for the detailed response! After some trial and error with settings we've got it working the way we hoped.
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Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:10 pm

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