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Vicidial Cluster with one connection

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:20 am
by Biagio.Viola
Hi, i write because i have one question.

if i have three PBX-Asterisk/WEB SERVER for Vicidial but i have only one connection with firewall PFsense how i must configure Firewall for RTP traffic?

i find more configuration but i see only one PBX and one firewall, if i must configure NAT with three server for RTP what is a best configuration?

i have only Static IP pubblic with firewall.

if you want configure vicidial cluster with three server pbx and one connection to SIP provider what would use configuration?

sorry for my english, thanks for your cooperation.


Re: Vicidial Cluster with one connection

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:09 am
by muyousif
You can use different rtp ports for each server, you can change rtp ports in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf like..
for first server:
rtpstart = 10000
rtpend = 12999
for second server:
rtpstart = 13000
rtpend = 15999
and so on.... restart asterisk after this change or just reboot the server.
After this you can do port forwarding in pfsense using these ports.