VFRDavid wrote:1) Instead of using the Lead_ID - is it possible to use the Phone_Number - in the event that there are duplicates in the system (of course, there *shouldn't* be - but - just about every system I have worked on has had them)...this way - if ANY record with this phone number has a "FINAL" status - ALL of them will (at least in the same campaign - or however you want to do it).
Certainly. In fact, it may be useful for an option to be available for vendor lead code as well, since that's often used to link multiple numbers together for a single contact. This may require a bit more complex query or some looping in the script running the process.
VFRDavid wrote:2) Instead of hard-coding a Status (or list of them) - you could create a Status Category of "FINAL" and if ANY status in that category is selected - it will follow the same code you suggested - this way - if you decide on any changes to what equals a "FINAL" status = no code changes would be required - as long as you attach it to the correct Category.
Very good idea. However: It may be better to use a Status Flag instead, thus reserving the status categories for other use. EG: "Completed" or "Unworkable". If the feature were robust, it would allow choosing either a category or a flag, thus allowing many more users to avoid collision with existing configuration.
2a) There may be other criteria involved other than just a "trusty" agent's decision to select a "FINAL" status - call duration, some other field's value, etc - but - I think that this is something that could be really useful...[/quote]
Now it'll be even more useful for everyone, getting very robust, and becoming a full-fledged "Feature".
VFRDavid wrote:3) It appears as though the DNC functionality kind of already provides this feature - of course - a FINAL status might not need to be as legally rigid as someone being added to your DNC list - but - if there were a way to create some other types of "suppression" lists - most of the existing DNC code seems that it would provide this functionality (the "DNCC/DNCL" statuses only get set when a lead is "loaded" into the hopper, and subsequently blocked from doing so due to the presence of the same phone number in the DNC list - correct?). Currently, there are two kinds of DNC lists - SYSTEM and Campaign - how difficult would it be to add a third - possibly StatusCategory - to the system?
Adding it throughout the entire system so this feature is fully integrated would be fairly hefty. The Vicidial Group would be able to provide a quotation, of course. It may be a good idea to create an "outside of Vicidial" version at first that uses external scripts to "fix" the broken statuses nightly (3:09AM?) possibly combined with a dispo_url. After the system is up and running, it would be possibly to merge it into the variouis Vicidial modules in an orderly fashion while the "fixer" scripts continue to run and clean up anything that gets missed nightly.
VFRDavid wrote:I don't think you wouldn't need to create / maintain any additional cron jobs this way...any thoughts?
cron jobs are free. A fully-integrated Vicidial Feature is quite the opposite. Using the cron jobs to "catch and kill" any overlooked changes (near the end) and as the primary method of completion (at the start) would be one way to avoid spending a large sum. But if you want the feature fully-integrated without the cron job, having it coded all at once is certainly the way to go.
We did code this type of feature for a client many years ago. It was not fully integrated, just active during generic "dispo" screen, and was based on dispo categories. To get it fully functional it may be useful to have several preference options in the admin.php interface to allow overrides for users, campaigns, lists, and of course the main system method to set the statuses (status, flag, category?) and how to choose them.