jps000 wrote:Hi Everyone,
How does DC (DISCONNECT NUMBER) STATUS works in vicidial? does it automatically tag no answer calls as DC?
Thank you in Advance!
Plus a slight addition to thephaseusa's comment: DC is actually for agents to select as a disposition status when the number they dialed was not just the wrong number, but actually non-functional.
ADC (Disconnected Number Auto) is the status assigned to a number that the dialer detected as disconnected. Note that this "check for disconnected" only occurs if admin->System Settings=>"Enhanced Disconnect Logging" is set to "1", otherwise those are marked as NA.
It is also useful to know that many telcos take an inordinate amount of time to engage and send the "Disconnected" tone/signal. Some take up to 45 seconds. Which means that if your dial timeout for the campaign is set to 24 and the telco waits until 35 seconds to send the signal ... you didn't get it. Your dialer will cancel the call at the 24 second mark and the call will be dispositioned as NA and you'll just dial it again (forever, since you'll always hang up at 24 and they won't care until 35). And remember that the carrier we are talking about is the one receiving the call, not your carrier, so it's different for every telephone exchange across the country.