Recording each leg in separate channel (one for customer, on

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Recording each leg in separate channel (one for customer, on

Postby Eradram » Fri Sep 10, 2021 6:56 am


I know that in Vicidial with Asterisk 11 or lower this was not possible.
I'm trying to test it in Vicibox 9 with Vicidial VERSION: 2.14-763a, BUILD: 200719-1645.
In order to do this I want to record not only the MeetMe conference but also the channels to the customer and to the agent (or at least one of them).
Unfortunately I can't find out what should I modify in order to add the Monitor command to he channels.
I want to do 2 recordings in order to verify if the previous problems will appear again.
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Re: Recording each leg in separate channel (one for customer

Postby GenXOutsourcing » Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:30 am

If I am understanding correctly, you want to have a recording of BOTH agent and customer together, and then recording of ONLY agent or ONLY customer?

This is already done. Go to /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/ORIG and you will see the separate recordings, IN and OUT. Now, those 2 recordings are automatically deleted after Vici combines them. So you would need to change the perl script so that they arent deleted after combined. This will however fill your hard drive quickly as they are WAV files.

The way Vicidial works, is that it records agent and customer in 2 recordings, and then a perl script combines the recordings. So, if you look in the folder you will see 2 recordings for each call in WAV format.

I believe its one of these scripts, i havent looked at them to confirm
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