Survey Campaign with Callmenu

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Survey Campaign with Callmenu

Postby macaruchi » Mon Jul 04, 2022 3:39 pm

I have a survey campaign with attached a call menu this call menu has 3 options 1 transfer the call to another number, 2 call WS, 3 voicemail.
How can I add the feature when press 1 call another number and do a Threeway call, I mean we need transfer this call to another place out of Vici

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Re: Survey Campaign with Callmenu

Postby williamconley » Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:41 pm

1) Survey campaigns don't have "attached" call menus. Please post the survey campaign options in use.

2) If the survey has (as one option) the ability to transfer to a call menu, and you have questions about how the call menu should work, please post the call menu options you've set.

3) A call menu can NOT initiate a "3-way call", only an agent can initiate a 3-way call. So if you want a 3-way call, you would send the call to an agent instead of a call menu (or from the call menu) and then have the agent initiate the 3-way call.

4) Of course, you *could* write a script that initiates a 3-way call by both transferring to an agent AND placing a 3rd party in the call as well ...

5) but WHY are you doing this? Is this for a Required Call Verification Recording Service? or ... something else? That may help us understand why you're trying to do whatever it is you're trying to do.

6) Thank you for posting your full version with installer! 8-)
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