Dispo Call URL Variables

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Dispo Call URL Variables

Postby vhenriquez240277 » Thu Jan 19, 2023 11:36 am

Hi Guys

I am doing an integration with a CRM, the company that created this CRM needs me to send some information at the end of the call like

company_id, integer, your company ID (to be provided by company support)
campaign_id, integer, the TT campaign ID that the call is being received from
external_id, alphanumerical, the unique phone system ID used to identify this call
recording_id, alphanumerical, the file name of the call recording
start_time, integer, Time the call was received by the phone system. Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
handle_time, integer, The amount of time the agent was on the call in seconds. If unanswered this would be 0
length, integer, The total call length in seconds from the time the call was received, until the time of disconnect.
customer_phone, integer, the phone number of the calling party dnis integer the DID or TFN that was called disposition
alphanumerical the call outcome, either “answered” or“unanswered”
agent_id, alphanumerical, phone system agent ID of the agent receivingthe call

Is there a way to have that data in Dispo Call URL

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Re: Dispo Call URL Variables

Postby mflorell » Thu Jan 19, 2023 4:21 pm

You might need to write a simple PHP file to convert some of these from the VICIdial values that are sent to the values they require, but it is certainly possible.
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