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One extension for each agent in in_group

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:08 pm
by macaruchi
I have a CC with 10 agents for customer service until now goes fine. But now we need each agent has a own extension directly. I mean we want announce 4 extensions for 4 specific agent for the call goes directly to each agent.

The IVR and the announce are in another PBX, FortiNet, and linking to vicidial like a carrier to send all calls to Vici using a own DID, XXXX.
My question is:
There is a way that I can announce each extension for each agent in the IVR and transfer that call to corresponding agent in the in_group ?

How can I do this ?


Re: One extension for each agent in in_group

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:23 am
by carpenox

Re: One extension for each agent in in_group

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 8:23 pm
by williamconley
macaruchi wrote:Hi!
The IVR and the announce are in another PBX, FortiNet, and linking to vicidial like a carrier to send all calls to Vici using a own DID, XXXX.
My question is:
There is a way that I can announce each extension for each agent in the IVR and transfer that call to corresponding agent in the in_group

The Vicidial Manager's Manual covers the ability to directly dial an extension from within a call menu (Vicidial does not have IVR, it has Call Menus).

Call Menus have audio options allowing you to record whatever message(s) you want which can certainly include an extension for each agent. You don't have to record it all at once. You can record one for each and then put all the files in with a "|" between to separate them. That way a new employee or fired employee doesn't require an entire new recording.

But do you want:
* A public phone number for each agent? (AKA: Direct Inward Dial or DID)
* A method for the other phone system to send a SIP call directly to an agent who is logged in without VM? Perhaps with failover to voicemail? Or even an bounced outbound dial to a cell phone?

If carpenox's link doesn't solve your entire problem. Fill us in and we'll help.